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Dynamic flexural strength

Product Price: Wage Negotiable
  • Product Model:
  • Brand: JENTEST
  • Manufacturer: Dongguan Jen Test Equipment Co., Ltd.
  • Region: 广东东莞
  • Issuing Date: 2020-02-03
  • Visit: 3773
Dynamic flexural strength Dynamic flexural strength Test standard: DIN72551-5-1991\VW60306
Product Details
JN-DTWQ-72551 Dynamic flexural strength

Test standard: DIN72551-5-1991\VW60306

This test shall be agreed upon separately for cables with nominal cross sections > 25 mm².

While applying the test voltage, no electric breakdown must occur on the specimen, and the conductor of the stripped specimen must show no damage (e.g., strand breakage) on visual inspection.

Age specimens of (200 ± 25) mm length in a natural convection oven acc. to DIN 50011-12 at the service life temperature acc. to Figure 8 for 48 h. Next, clamp the aged specimens in the test device acc.  and store at TU for at least 4 h. Perform 300 bending cycles (cycle time approximately 3 s at nearly constant jaw speed) in the cold chamber. Then let the specimen warm up to room temperature. Then perform the test acc. to Section 8.5.3 (1-minute voltage protection), followed by a visual inspection.

 Dynamic flexural strength\ Dynamic flexural strength

 Dynamic flexural strength\ Dynamic flexural strength

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