JN-LDQH-60112 TRACKING TEST APPARATUS:Tracking Test Apparatus IEC60112 (600V)
Tracking Test Apparatus IEC60112 (600V)
TRACKING TEST APPARATUS indicates the relative resistance of solid insulating electric materials when submitted up to 600v. This method exposes the tested object to electric stress under water action with contaminant addition(nh4ci)tracking may occur during test when voltage is activated on a defined disposition of electrodes on the material surface and electrolyte drops(nh4ci)are injected during a definite interval of time. The number of necessary drops to cause damage on the material increases with the reduction of the applied voltage. Under a critical value, tracking does not occur.
Tracking: Progressive formation of conductive tracks produced on the surface of an insulating solid material, due to the combination of electric stress effects and the electrolyte contamination on the surface.
JN-LDQH-60112 TRACKING TEST APPARATUS meets all the IEC standard requirements(International Electrotechnical Commission)
Detailed JN-LDQH-60112 Tracking Test Apparatus Description:
1. - Excess-current relay 0,5 A, response time 2 S independent of current.
2- Exhaust system for exit of toxic gas.
3- Motorized Sample desk adjustable through Interface in the Control Panel.
4- Voltage indicating instrument, class 1,5.
5- Current indicating instrument 1,5A, class 1,5
6- Adjustable resistor to limit the current to 1A,
7- Isolating transformer, with variable ratio transformer for setting the testing voltage output more than 500VA, voltage adrop less than 10%
8. Drop dispensing device, adjustable in height, easy to dismantle, container made of poliacetal with alectromagnetic valve.
9. Pair of electrode platine holders, swiveling and adjustable in height, pressure force of 1N exerted on the specimen by each electrode and adjustable distance between electrodes. (platine with purity certificate 99,98 %)