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Versatile Gel Imaging

Product Price: Wage Negotiable
  • Product Model: AlphaImager HP
  • Brand: ProteinSimple
  • Manufacturer: Beijing Bio-launching Technologies Co. Ltd
  • Region: 北京丰台
  • Issuing Date: 2013-09-22
  • Visit: 6731
The Versatile Gel Imaging AlphaImager HP System high performance imaging system delivers easy to operate imaging technology with simple, intuitive software and real time imaging.
Product Details
The Versatile Gel Imaging AlphaImager® HP high performance imaging system delivers easy to operate imaging technology with simple, intuitive software and real time imaging. When high resolution is desired for fluorescent
and visible imaging applications, the AlphaImager HP imaging system is the documentation and quantitative analysis
system of choice.
The Versatile Gel Imaging AlphaImager® HP comes standard with Automatic Image Capture, a software package that reduces the image
acquisition process to one easy step. This imaging software combines motorized optics with software controlled filter
selections and lighting options. With just one click of a button, you can perform all of the filter, lighting and camera
control operations necessary to acquire a high quality image of your sample.

Powerful Imaging, Easy Controls
The Versatile Gel Imaging AlphaImager® HP was designed to be the most streamlined, high performance imaging system on the market. Each feature below highlights this fully integrated system.
The AlphaImager® HP camera is able to focus on a sample in Real Time, which prevents any lag between positioning your sample and viewing it on the screen.
Motorized Lens
Standard motorized optics allow for control of the aperture, zoom and focus through the software.
5 Position Filter Wheel
A motorized, 5 position filter wheel customized for your fluorescent applications. The filter wheel can be entirely controlled through the software, allowing users to easily switch between applications.
Control Panel
Touch-panel allows control of manual light sources and filter selection.
Epi White Lights
Epi White lights assist the user when positioning and focusing on a sample.
White Light Table
A true white light source, for applications such as imaging Coomassie gels and colony plates. Conveniently folds up when not in use. Control of the white light table can be done manually, or through the software.
Dual Wavelength UV Transilluminator
Two wavelengths of illumination at 365 nm or 302 nm allow for excitation of multiple fluorescent dyes. Hi/ low intensity
settings control the strength of illumination. UV light is automatically shut off when door is open, protecting users
from UV exposure. UV transilluminator easily slides in and out of cabinet.
Upgrade Options
The AlphaImager® HP is capable of being upgraded to a high performance chemiluminescence system. If you
applications change, you can upgrade the system at a discounted cost.
Automatic Image Capture Software
• Automatic Image Capture Software (AIC) is Alpha Innotech’s latest innovation in image acquisition, providing integrated systems which are fully automated
• For molecular biology researchers engaged in imaging high throughput assays, this system enhances productivity by automatically performing lens focus, filter settings, light settings and exposure for perfect images
• All of this with just one click —making the acquisition of images faster and more convenient than any other system on the market today
• Standard for AlphaImager® HP

• True autofocusing capability reduces the number of steps it takes to generate an image
• Program and save imaging protocols, and recall them with just one click
• Store filter settings, light settings and software will automatically calculate exposure time and focus
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