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Walk-In Environmental Test Chambers

Product Price: Wage Negotiable
  • Product Model:
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  • Manufacturer: Hongzhan
  • Region: 北京海淀
  • Issuing Date: 2023-05-09
  • Visit: 5888
Temperature & Temerature-Humidity Chambers » Walk-In Environmental Test Chambers
Product Details

Whether you're testing computers and copiers or automobiles and satellites, Hongzhan's Walk-In Environmental Test Chambers provide solutions that work. Capable of testing large components, assemblies, and finished products, Hongzhan's Walk-In chambers simulate a wide range of temperature and humidity environments. These chambers can be used for testing and controlled storage as well as a versatile laboratory environment for conducting test procedures in the telecommunications, defense, aerospace, pharmaceutical, automotive, and electronics industries.

Whatever your testing need, each of Hongzhan's Walk-in chambers consists of a self-contained conditioning module and a room constructed from interlocking panels or welded, insulated solid walls. Chamber construction, design and assembly are closely supervised. Operation verification tests are run on every chamber prior to shipment, ensuring a high-quality piece of testing equipment arrives at your site fully operational and ready to go.

The following are the standard dimensions for the paneled construction walk-in chambers. Chamber sizes can always be customized to your testing needs

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