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Plastic Injection Mold

Product Price: Wage Negotiable
  • Product Model: MG005
  • Brand: MAGMA
  • Manufacturer: MAGMA TOOLING (宁波麦格玛国际贸易有限公司)
  • Region: 浙江宁波
  • Issuing Date: 2011-12-22
  • Visit: 5021
Plastic Tooling,Mold Manufacturer,Mold Maker,Mould Maker,Plastic Injection Molding,Plastic Molding,Mould Company
Product Details
Plastic Injection Mold, for home use

Our role in your mould project is to
 ★Offer ideas on new mold making
★Accomplish mold design, quick & correct response
★Analyze possibility and variety of mold making
★Lower your cost on project budget
★Save your mold project time, either plastic injection molds or molding parts, to catch market chance
★Reduce your risk on new task
★Guarantee after-sales service
★Assist in shipping, include combine and organize shipping from different factories

Injection molding (British English: moulding) is a manufacturing process for producing parts from both thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials. Material is fed into a heated barrel, mixed, and forced into a mold cavity where it cools and hardens to the configuration of the cavity.[1] After a product is designed, usually by an industrial designer or an engineer, molds are made by a moldmaker (or toolmaker) from metal, usually either steel or aluminum, and precision-machined to form the features of the desired part. Injection molding is widely used for manufacturing a variety of parts, from the smallest component to entire body panels of cars.
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